Enterprise Content Management Users

Your repository contains critical processes. Understand how Reveille is used to proactively monitor repository environments in real scenarios.

ECM Repository Use Cases for Users

Use Cases

How do we know our repository is responsive for users?
Who accessed a specific document and what repository?
How can we plan capacity needs to handle user growth?
Can we know of abnormal access?
How can we measure ECM usage and license compliance?

Reveille Solution

Reveille reports real user response time for all repository users.
Reveille captures the actual user activity of who accessed what document during what time period.
Reveille User Analytics objectively understands repository user transaction volumes, search terms, ‘hot’ documents, repository use, and response times.
Based on client requirements and definition, Reveille can flag unusual end user activity, notify appropriate users, and even disable suspicious user access.
Reveille monitors user activity without making changes to the ECM application logic.


Quickly understand SLA issues. Correlate issues between end-users, ECM repository and infrastructure.
Audit/compliance/capacity planning reviews as well as detecting abnormal activity.
Know the scope of current user activity to properly plan for growth.
Without enabling detailed ECM logging, business level transactions can be known to meet performance reporting, chargeback, and audit needs.
Display user activity in dashboards or generate reports, and filter results by configured user groups. These outputs answer license usage questions and user level data for chargeback analysis.

How do we know our repository is responsive for users?

Reveille Solution

Reveille reports real user response time for all repository users.


Quickly understand SLA issues. Correlate issues between end-users, ECM repository and infrastructure.

Who accessed a specific document and what repository?

Reveille Solution

Reveille captures the actual user activity of who accessed what document during what time period.


Audit/compliance/capacity planning reviews as well as detecting abnormal activity.

How can we plan capacity needs to handle user growth?

Reveille Solution

Reveille User Analytics objectively understands repository user transaction volumes, search terms, ‘hot’ documents, repository use, and response times.


Know the scope of current user activity to properly plan for growth.

Can we know of abnormal access?

Reveille Solution

Based on client requirements and definition, Reveille can flag unusual end user activity, notify appropriate users, and even disable suspicious user access.


Without enabling detailed ECM logging, business level transactions can be known to meet performance reporting, chargeback, and audit needs.

How can we measure ECM usage and license compliance?

Reveille Solution

Reveille monitors user activity without making changes to the ECM application logic.


Display user activity in dashboards or generate reports, and filter results by configured user groups. These outputs answer license usage questions and user level data for chargeback analysis.