Health.  It’s paramount for our lives.  Our planet.  Our businesses.

At an unprecedented time that the world is faced with COVID-19, our physical and mental health are being challenged. It’s important to be careful and judicious about how we manage our personal and family health. According to the CDC, there is much that can be done on a personal level that all families should review at

One of the key recommendations from the CDC that is now becoming close to a government mandate is “social distancing” to prevent “rapid” spread of the virus and to give our government (at all levels of federal, state, and local), private  enterprise, as well as the science communities time to build up the infrastructure support cases and ultimately a vaccine. In the meantime, communities of government agencies and private industry are beginning to work together in coordinated efforts to deal with this “crisis” throughout many dimensions.

At Reveille Software we are doing everything in our power to keep our employees safe and our client’s critical systems running to support the business processes, procedures, information and, very importantly, the health-provider networks worldwide. As a distributed company since 2016, we know remote work can be new to many with both benefits (less commute, less interruption) and challenges (how do we best work on this together?).

We want to extend a virtual hand to do what we can to help you in the short term – even if it’s just a complimentary brainstorm. We are here for you in this time of uncertainty. If you need Reveille assistance, general support or just desire to have a conversation on remote work adjustment, we stand ready to respond. Just contact us at or phone us at 1 877 897 2579, option 2.

Over the decades, the high-tech community has rolled out a staggering array of solutions that have “connected the world”.  Now organizations of all sizes, private, public and government are collaborating in unprecedented ways supporting the “social distancing” needed to address this issue on the front lines. Together, WE WILL BEAT THIS.  We will do everything in our power to keep everyone protected and to “keep the lights on” during this crisis.

Be safe and stay healthy,
Bob Estes
CEO, Reveille Software